Sunday, March 7, 2010

This one goes miles

Today my friend organised an Anti Frown Protest in her University. They were people walking around in Bright coloured t shirts handing out candies to others and smiling at them. At first it came across to me as a rather odd thing to do. Why in the world would you have a demonstration over something as inconsequential as smiling when there are so many other issues that plague the world!

But when I took out sometime from my stressful schedule to see the pictures she uploaded, it struck me then. That no matter how rotten your day has been or how many deadlines you've got coming up, you just need that one smile telling you that's its all going to be alright, even if its just to calm you down. Its not an awfully exacting gesture to make, but it sure does wonders to how your perception changes. Its just as simple as a smile. When you show your pearly whites to someone, even a stranger on a road, its that one amazingly contagious thing they will reciprocate. It confuses an approaching frown, settles a feud and works wonders in beauty pageants!!

So there you go!
Smile, so that they smile back.
Smile, so that they smile at others.
Smile, so that everyone's smiling!

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