Thursday, January 1, 2009

The twenty commandments

My blessed Child,
The following are the commandments which thou shall followeth this year, come what may. For only then shall thou be worthy of heaven.

Thou shall.......

1. lose weight and get sex pack abs
2. read at least 15 books (this does not include Hardy Boys, Comics, Playboys, Nancy Drew, Goosebumps and the likes)
3. read more poetry and appreciate it (Does not include my sad lymirics)
4. Study, Study, Study
5. not let people, who are not important to thou, affect thou in any way.
6. Learn to cook and eat ---> pastries and chocolate cakes.
7. Go on a road trip!!
8. Stop biting thou nails.
9. Give more attention to thou hair.
10. Either geteth a girlfriend or a new best friend.
11. either get a new favourite song or a new best friend.
12. Learn howeth to do the Salsa, Lambada and Meringue
13. Learn how to painteth (like an adult!!)
14. Concentrate more on thou singing (does not include Womaniser) and playing the guitar.
15. Stop being so sulky.
16. not to be so loud about everything.
17. crack more PJs and amuse thyself.
18. learn how to relax in stressful situations.
19. Stop procrastinating and being so lazy.
20. not sleep for more than eight hours a day and get up early

Remember, the meek shall inherit the earth once thou are done with it.


1 comment:

~ ॐ ~ said...

Is the first point typo intentional?
