Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just one of those days....

Today is one of those days. I feel like writing again. Anything, everything. Just one of those days when I want to type. No, there aren't really any built up emotions today, nor is there any story - No villain, No hero, No dancing. Interestingly, the words pop up in my head, just as I type.

One of those days, when that little thing your friend does, unknowingly, touches your heart and makes you smile. When you know you're closer to a person a thousand miles away, than you are to your next door neighbour.

Just that kind of a day, when the weather's lovely and the chai is perfect. When the songs remind you of the good times. I feel so orange today. No greens, or pinks, or blues. Just the colours of the sky reflecting off my soul. When the clouds add hues to the sunset in ways we never imagined. The flavours of the skies infused with the warmth of the cup.....

Just that time of the evening when you throw your head back laughing for no reason at all. When every smile is contagious, and that burning candle spreads more happiness than the light it dispels.

Just one of those days...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So many questions...